Hey guys! So sorry for the lack of posting. I have been ever so busy with school, and all the free time i have has been spent sewing my halloween costume or the softies for the arts fair coming up that me and maddy will have a booth at. Ill post some pictures after the fair! It's next weekend, and I really don't know how on earth I will get all the softies done!!
Anyway. Yesterday me and my friends went to the thrift store in search of their halloween costumes, and i came across some shoes. Apparently, they are Vivienne Westwood, and someone had bought them at a department store for some hundreds of dollars and then sold them to the thrift store. And I got them for only $10. Is that a great find or WHAT? And they are barely even worn.
I think they are super cool! They are jelly material and they kind of remind me of aliens.
I am wearing them with my halloween costume.
Im going to be a butterfly!
Pics will be up ASAP! tomorrow, if i have time. :)
Bye guys!!!