Check out my petting zoo at the bottom of my page!!!


Fringe Festival

Since i'm going to high school in two weeks, I decided to get a new do. The above picture was ripped out of the August 2010 issue of Teen Vogue. That was supposed to be my inspiration..... can you see the resemblance?
Anyway, I am leaving town on saturday, and will be there until next monday (the 2nd) so no posts until then! So sorry, as there is no internet (or cell service(how will i survive?!?!))
I will be going to our mountain cabin :)
I have some fun posts planned for my return.

Bye for now, happy rest of summer!
School gets back on august 9th.
I am dreading it.


  1. love the haircut ! super cute and i totally see the inspiration behind it, good luck with high school girl !! youll do great !

  2. i love it
    and i miss youuu :(

  3. Love the haircut!

    Merci beaucoup for stopping by darling, it means so much that you like the blog and I really hope you become a regular visitor =]

    Je suis très très TRÈS désolée for the ridiculously late reply!

    Have a lovely week!

    Stay safe and chic ma chérie,
    English Rose x


Come on, comment! You know you want to!!!